Quickstart for Flink OLAP
This documentation is for an unreleased version of Apache Flink. We recommend you use the latest stable version.

はじめに #

Flink OLAP has already added to Apache Flink Roadmap. It means Flink can not only support streaming and batch computing, but also support OLAP(On-Line Analytical Processing). This page will show how to quickly set up a Flink OLAP service, and will introduce some best practices.

構造 #

The Flink OLAP service consists of three parts: Client, Flink SQL Gateway, Flink Session Cluster.

  • Client: Could be any client that can interact with Flink SQL Gateway, such as SQL client, Flink JDBC driver and so on.
  • Flink SQL Gateway: The SQL Gateway provides an easy way to submit the Flink Job, look up the metadata, and analyze table stats.
  • Flink Session Cluster: We choose session clusters to run OLAP queries, mainly to avoid the overhead of cluster startup.

利点 #

  • Massively Parallel Processing
    • Flink OLAP runs naturally as an MPP(Massively Parallel Processing) system, which supports low-latency ad-hoc queries
  • Reuse Connectors
    • Flink OLAP can reuse rich connectors in Flink ecosystem.
  • Unified Engine
    • Unified computing engine for Streaming/Batch/OLAP.

Deploying in Local Mode #

Flinkのダウンロード #

The same as Local Installation. Flinkは、Linux、Mac OS X、Cygwin (Windows用)など、全てのUNIXのような環境で動作します。We need to have at least Java 11 installed, Java 17 is more recommended in OLAP scenario. インストールされているJavaバージョンを調べるには、ターミナルで次のように入力します:

java -version

Next, Download the latest binary release of Flink, then extract the archive:

tar -xzf flink-*.tgz

Starting a local cluster #



You should be able to navigate to the web UI at localhost:8081 to view the Flink dashboard and see that the cluster is up and running.

Start a SQL Client CLI #

You can start the CLI with an embedded gateway by calling:


Running Queries #

You could simply execute queries in CLI and retrieve the results.

SET 'sql-client.execution.result-mode' = 'tableau';

    order_number BIGINT,
    price        DECIMAL(32,2),
    buyer        ROW<first_name STRING, last_name STRING>,
    order_time   TIMESTAMP(3)
) WITH (
  'connector' = 'datagen',
  'number-of-rows' = '100000'

SELECT buyer, SUM(price) AS total_cost
FROM Orders
GROUP BY  buyer
ORDER BY  total_cost LIMIT 3;

And then you could find job detail information in web UI at localhost:8081.

Deploying in Production #

This section guides you through setting up a production ready Flink OLAP service.

Cluster Deployment #

In production, we recommend to use Flink Session Cluster, Flink SQL Gateway and Flink JDBC Driver to build an OLAP service.

Session Cluster #

For Flink Session Cluster, we recommend to deploy Flink on native Kubernetes using session mode. Kubernetesは、コンピュータアプリケーションデプロイメント、スケーリング、管理を自動化するための人気のあるコンテナオーケストレーションシステムです。By deploying on native Kubernetes, Flink Session Cluster is able to dynamically allocate and de-allocate TaskManagers. For more information, please refer to Native Kubernetes.

SQL Gateway #

For Flink SQL Gateway, we recommend deploying it as a stateless microservice and register this on the service discovery component. For more information, please refer to the SQL Gateway Overview.

When submitting queries to SQL Gateway, we recommend using Flink JDBC Driver since it provides low-level connection management. When used in production, we need to pay attention to reuse the JDBC connection to avoid frequently creating/closing sessions in the Gateway. For more information, please refer to the Flink JDBC Driver.

Datasource Configurations #

カタログ #

In OLAP scenario, we recommend using FileCatalogStore in the catalog configuration introduced in FLIP-295. As a long running service, Flink OLAP cluster’s catalog information will not change frequently and can be re-used cross sessions. For more information, please refer to the Catalog Store.

コネクタ #

Both Session Cluster and SQL Gateway rely on connectors to analyze table stats and read data from the configured data source. To add connectors, please refer to the Connectors and Formats.

Cluster Configurations #

In OLAP scenario, we picked out a few configurations that can help improve user usability and query performance.

SQL&Table Options #

パラメータ デフォルト Recommended
table.optimizer.join-reorder-enabled false true
pipeline.object-reuse false true

Runtime Options #

パラメータ デフォルト Recommended
execution.runtime-mode STREAMING BATCH
env.java.opts.all {default value} {default value} -XX:PerMethodRecompilationCutoff=10000 -XX:PerBytecodeRecompilationCutoff=10000-XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=512M -XX:+UseZGC
JDK Version 11 17

We strongly recommend using JDK17 with ZGC in OLAP scenario in order to provide zero gc stw and solve the issue described in FLINK-32746.

Scheduling Options #

パラメータ デフォルト Recommended
jobmanager.scheduler デフォルト デフォルト
jobmanager.execution.failover-strategy region full
restart-strategy.type (none) disable
jobstore.type ファイルFile メモリ
jobstore.max-capacity Integer.MAX_VALUE 500

We would like to highlight the usage of PipelinedRegionSchedulingStrategy. Since many OLAP queries will have blocking edges in their jobGraph.

Network Options #

パラメータ デフォルト Recommended
rest.server.numThreads 4 32
web.refresh-interval 3000 300000
pekko.framesize 10485760b 104857600b

ResourceManager Options #

パラメータ デフォルト Recommended
kubernetes.jobmanager.replicas 1 2
kubernetes.jobmanager.cpu.amount 1.0 16.0
jobmanager.memory.process.size (none) 65536m
jobmanager.memory.jvm-overhead.max 1g 6144m
kubernetes.taskmanager.cpu.amount (none) 16
taskmanager.numberOfTaskSlots 1 32
taskmanager.memory.process.size (none) 65536m
taskmanager.memory.managed.size (none) 65536m

We prefer to use large taskManager pods in OLAP since this can put more computation in local and reduce network/deserialization/serialization overhead. Meanwhile, since JobManager is a single point of calculation in OLAP scenario, we also prefer large pod.

将来の作業 #

There is a big margin for improvement in Flink OLAP, both in usability and query performance, and we trace all of them in underlying tickets.

Furthermore, we are adding relevant OLAP benchmarks to the Flink repository such as flink-benchmarks.

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