Test Dependencies
This documentation is for an unreleased version of Apache Flink. We recommend you use the latest stable version.

テストの依存関係 #


DataStream APIのテスト #

DataStream APIを使ってビルドされたジョブの照すtおを開発する場合は、次の依存関係を追加する必要があります:

Open the pom.xml file in your project directory and add the following in the dependencies block.
Check out Project configuration for more details.
Open the build.gradle file in your project directory and add the following in the dependencies block.
testCompile "org.apache.flink:flink-test-utils:1.19-SNAPSHOT"
Note: This assumes that you have created your project using our Gradle build script or quickstart script.
Check out Project configuration for more details.


これらのユーティリティの使用方法の詳細については、DataStream APIのテストをご覧ください

Table APIのテスト #

Table API & SQL プログラムをIDE内でローカルにテストする場合は、前述のflink-test-utilsに加えて、以下の依存関係を追加できます:

Open the pom.xml file in your project directory and add the following in the dependencies block.
Check out Project configuration for more details.
Open the build.gradle file in your project directory and add the following in the dependencies block.
testCompile "org.apache.flink:flink-table-test-utils:1.19-SNAPSHOT"
Note: This assumes that you have created your project using our Gradle build script or quickstart script.
Check out Project configuration for more details.


モジュールflink-table-test-utilsはFlink 1.15で導入され、実験的なものと見なされます。
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