IMAP プロキシ 例


mail {
  #auth_http  unix:/path/socket:/cgi-bin/auth;
  auth_http  localhost:9000/cgi-bin/auth;

  proxy  on;

  imap_capabilities  "IMAP4rev1"  "UIDPLUS"; ## default
  server {
    listen     143;
    protocol   imap;

## uncomment to enable POP3 proxy
#  pop3_capabilities  "TOP"  "USER";
#  server {
#    listen     110;
#    protocol   pop3;
#  }



mail {
  #auth_http  unix:/path/socket:/cgi-bin/auth;
  auth_http  localhost:9000/cgi-bin/auth;

  proxy     on;
  starttls  on; ## enable STARTTLS for all mail servers

  # The SSL part can be put in a separate configuration file,
  # e.g., in the case of an SSL offloader / caching proxy.
  # In that case, only the ssl_certificate* needs to be set here (or in server block.)
  # The config assumes certificates in /etc/nginx/ssl/ and
  # private keys in /etc/nginx/ssl/private/
  ssl                        on;
  ssl_prefer_server_ciphers  on;
  ssl_protocols              TLSv1 SSLv3;
  ssl_ciphers                HIGH:!ADH:!MD5:@STRENGTH;
  ssl_session_cache          shared:TLSSL:16m;
  ssl_session_timeout        10m;
  ## default SSL cert. 各ホストは独自のものを持つ必要があります。
  ssl_certificate            ssl/wildcard.crt;
  ssl_certificate_key        ssl/private/wildcard.key;

  ## default, STARTTLS is appended because of starttls directive above
  imap_capabilities  "IMAP4rev1"  "UIDPLUS";
  server {
    listen       143;
    protocol     imap;

## uncomment to enable POP3 proxy
#  pop3_capabilities  "TOP"  "USER";
#  server {
#    listen     110;
#    protocol   pop3;
#  }



linux上でNGINXを使っている場合は、メールオプションを付けて./configure を実行する必要があります。

./configure --with-mail --with-mail_ssl_module

(httpプロキシを必要としない場合は、--without-http を使うことも考慮してください)

inserted by FC2 system