IDE セットアップ

The sections below describe how to import the Flink project into an IDE for the development of Flink itself. For writing Flink programs, please refer to the Java API and the Scala API quickstart guides.

NOTE: Whenever something is not working in your IDE, try with the Maven command line first (mvn clean package -DskipTests) as it might be your IDE that has a bug or is not properly set up.


To get started, please first checkout the Flink sources from one of our repositories, e.g.

git clone

IntelliJ IDEA

Flinkコアの開発のためにIntelliJ IDEA IDEをセットアップする方法の短いガイド。Eclipse はScala/Javaプロジェクトの混合に問題があると知られているため、ますます多くの貢献者がIntelliJ IDEAに移ってきています。

The following documentation describes the steps to setup IntelliJ IDEA 2016.2.5 ( with the Flink sources.

Scala プラグインのインストール

The IntelliJ installation setup offers to install the Scala plugin. If it is not installed, follow these instructions before importing Flink to enable support for Scala projects and files:

  1. IntelliJ プラグイン 設定 (File -> Settings -> Plugins) に行き、“Install Jetbrains plugin…” をクリックします。
  2. “Scala” プラグインを選択し、インストールします。
  3. IntelliJを再起動します。
  1. IntelliJ IDEA を開始し、“Import Project”を選択します。
  2. Flinkリポジトリのルートフォルダを選択します。
  3. “Import project from external model” を選択し、“Maven”を選択します。
  4. Leave the default options and click on “Next” until you hit the SDK section.
  5. If there is no SDK, create a one with the “+” sign top left, then click “JDK”, select your JDK home directory and click “OK”. Otherwise simply select your SDK.
  6. Continue by clicking “Next” again and finish the import.
  7. Right-click on the imported Flink project -> Maven -> Generate Sources and Update Folders. Note that this will install Flink libraries in your local Maven repository, i.e. “/home/-your-user-/.m2/repository/org/apache/flink/”. Alternatively, mvn clean package -DskipTests also creates the necessary files for the IDE to work with but without installing libraries.
  8. Build the Project (Build -> Make Project)


NOTE: From our experience, this setup does not work with Flink due to deficiencies of the old Eclipse version bundled with Scala IDE 3.0.3 or due to version incompatibilities with the bundled Scala version in Scala IDE 4.4.1.

We recommend to use IntelliJ instead (see above)

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